
My name is Nick Glassborow. By day I'm an experienced Project/Programme Manager currently working at portfolio level for a highly regarded mobile experience platform development agency. By night I'm an aspiring 3D creative artist. As an aside to my day job I operate under the name "The Lifestyle Project Manager" and share what I have learned in my career. I adapt tried and tested techniques to benefit everyone in every day situations. This includes knowledge I have of development pipelines and production which I use as a backbone to my work in 3D where I combine it with my more creative side.

I began my journey in to 3D art back in 2020. Like many others I found a new interest to pass the free time during the covid lockdown. Although this new found interest changed my life. 

You may notice that I've adopted a few different "personas" along the way but have recently bought everything I do under my single brand.

I'm a dedicated father to two sons first and foremost with the majority of my focus aside from that going into my day job, but my new found interest consumed my remaining focus and I found myself on an emencely steep learning curve, with the realisation that the learning journey never ending being an appeal in itself I have continued. Two years on and I'm still quite the novice but am building up to a point where I hope my work will eventually have a place amongst that of those other skilled creative artists I eagerly follow.

Thanks for visiting.